Judy Silva » Welcome to 6th and 7th grade Math Mrs. Silva

Welcome to 6th and 7th grade Math Mrs. Silva

Conference: 12:59-1:50

Tutorials: Thursday 7:35-7:50


[email protected]



1st & 4th text @silva14-23 to 81010

3rd & 5th text @silva35-23 to 81010

7th & 8th text @silva78-23 to 81010


Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

I will send messages for upcoming tests, homework, or anything needed through remind.


 Room # 2 (Main Hall)



Education: I graduated from Stephen F. Austin with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies.


Experience: I began teaching with H. G. Temple Intermediate in August of 2012. I have always taught 6th-grade math.  I look forward to this year and having an amazing year.